I had a great day today, my first day back at work since last Thursday. Why can't we have more four day weekends? I had enough time to get a lot done around the house, a day of errands, and a day to rest. And I had plenty of energy today. I call that a win-win.
Since Steve is out of town tonight at a quarterly meeting, I planned to work until 6 p.m. to get all of my grading caught up, as well as a few other paperwork chores that I'd been putting off. When the 3:45 dismissal rolled around though, my head was pounding and I knew that I would have a hard time sticking to the plan without a little incentive. So I ran out to the 7-11 and got a large iced coffee and brought it back to work. Boy, that certainly did the trick. I worked until 6:30 on that caffeine buzz. All the grading is done, entered, and uploaded to the online gradebook. I even updated my class pages, something I hadn't done since the first of December. And since I'm giving the last test of the term this Friday and the exam next week, this puts me in a very good position to wrap up the grading period. As I told one of my coworkers, if only we worked ten hours a day every day, we'd always be caught up. Right.
So now I'm home in my jammies, catching up on all the blogs, doing a little reading (an Alexander McCall Smith's Isabel Dalhousie novel, The Lost Art of Gratitude), and getting ready to watch another Inspector Lynley episode while knitting, before going to bed. Feeling kind of satisfied about the day. Hope you had a good day too.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
21 hours ago
It always feels good to be caught up. You're ahead of the curve now. I hope you enjoyed your evening. I worked like a madwoman.