It's a beautiful morning; there was fog off the Bay when I first got up, but it's cleared off and now the sun is shining, despite the cold temperatures.
I was reminded by Make It Do's post on laundry to look for joy and simplicity in the everyday-ness of our lives, so I slowed down when I did the dishes this morning, and took time to enjoy the experience of washing my thrifted plates with my handknit dishcloth. Which led to deciding that I needed to knit a new one, in a cheerful, spring-like color. I picked a cerise green out of my cotton yarn basket.
Also on my list is a baby boy sweater for my friend at work whose baby is due the first of May. I am going to use some Knit Picks cotton yarn I bought awhile back; I have one skein of cream and one of light brown/tan, so I'm going to make a striped cardigan from the More Last Minute Knitted Gifts book.
In addition, I have some secret knitting for the girls' Valentine gifts, but since they read my blog, I'll have to wait to share those projects.
I'm not doing well on my diet; I've gained since Christmas and can't seem to get back on the wagon for more than a day or two at a time. This is especially frustrating because my stepdaughter's wedding is in March and I'd hoped to look really trim and fit. What's my problem? I wish I knew.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
21 hours ago
oh, i too enjoyed the sunshine today. I wasn't as productive as you were - but i did knit a few rows of abigail's valentines' gift. the kiddos have a four day weekend - so not much making til tuesday. Enjoy your sunday!