The 8th grade dance went really well; it's always nice to see the students dressed up and on their best behavior, and this year's group was especially nice.
Steve was sweet enough to go with me so we made it a date night, complete with dinner out and a browsing trip to B&N.
Today was as hot as yesterday, although there was a breeze, even if it was a hot one. Two friends came over and we sat on the beach for a couple of hours but other than that it was a stay-at-home day.
I made another bathmat this evening.
I was going to make all the stripes skewed, but Steve requested some straight ones, so the three on the top are for him, and the three on the bottom are for me!
I am supposed to topstitch around the edges but it's too thick for my machine. I think the towel I used was a better quality than the first one.
My youngest is coming home tonight for a couple of days. I haven't seen her since March, which is way too long, so I can't wait!! I have end of the year school functions every night this week, so I'm taking Tuesday off to spend some time with her, even though I'll have to work that night.
It's almost summer!
Hurrah, summer is coming! Wish someone would tell the weather over here that. Getting sick of the rain. Love your bath mat and the story of the stripes.