I have got to stop going to the thrift store! Apparently I have no self control! I stopped by the Hope House thrift store yesterday since I was downtown and found some more marvelous fabrics that I couldn't bear to pass up. I would hate to know how much I've spent in my quest to use thrifted fabrics to make a bathroom mat or two.
Since I have all of these great fabrics, I may make a few of these. Or these. This looks like something my oldest daughter would make and wear.
My youngest daughter sent me this link; it's something we did when they were younger. Lots of fun plus they were terrific party bag favors. I love it when the girls reminisce about some of the activities we used to do together.
These would help satisfy my love for school supplies and journals. And this would be useful.
And wouldn't this be a cute gift for gardeners?
Maybe I could make this with some of the driftwood I keep bringing home from the beach! Speaking of the beach, I sure wish I had taken my camera with me today. I saw a very unusual sand sculpture--male genitalia, complete with a few surprising details! Maybe it's just as well I didn't take a picture, for I would have posted it and I probably don't need to bump my blog to an R rating. But I'm going to regret missing that photo.
For my last link, maybe it's just me, but I think these are kind of creepy.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
1 day ago
Well they're all very clever, Rose, but yes, the last one is creepy. I did love the painted driftwood. It's not like you don't have a steady supply.