I had a fabulous day today, but unfortunately I don't have any photos of it to share. Another science teacher at my school brought in some dry ice and I was able to do a couple of really cool demos for my students with it. So much fun! I can't believe how much fun I'm having this year!!
Steve is out of town for a Muse concert and won't be back until the wee hours, so it was just me for dinner. Normally I would eat out, but I went to the grocery store and got motivated to roast some zucchini, onion, and mushrooms, then add the leftover sauted spinach to it at the end, and then mixed it all with some orzo. A glass of red wine on the side, and I had a delicious dinner. No pictures of it either, cause I ate it all up! Wished for some parmesan cheese, but really, it was good without it.
Going to go sit on the couch and watch some mindless but fun television and work on the Tulip cardigan cause I love it so much!
Wow, since this photo on Sunday, I've already added the two blue sections and the purple one and I'm on the edging! Turns out I get to try my hand at applied I-cord on this, something I want/need to learn. I've also been browsing the KnitPicks website for yarn to make my mother a sweater. It'll be for Christmas, and even if I don't finish it by then, I can wrap it up for Christmas as is, then finish it by her birthday in February. But I can't make up my mind which yarn to buy!! And I can't believe the paradigm shift I've undergone about the way I view my knitting skills! Thinking an adult sweater is doable!
Thanks to a link at A Caffeinated Yarn, I read this article and want to share it with you.
This looks like a fabulous costume! Not sure I'll have time to make it, but who knows? I didn't think I'd have time to make those cookie mixes either, but I did.
Hope your fall days are filled with joy. (Even though it was over 80 degrees today, it's still autumn, right?) I want some sweater weather!
Your dinner sounds delish - and super healthy! How exciting you got to demonstrate properties of dry ice - we love our science experiments around here. Can't wait to see what you knit for your mom. thanks to the juan williams article link - i just listened to the npr piece the other day and the talk had a different slant altogether.
ReplyDeleteThe sweater is adorable. I love the pink and green together and can't wait to see it all done up.
ReplyDeletePlaying with dry ice makes you a rock star! Very cool (ha,ha) stuff.
ReplyDeleteNice to have a quiet night in once in a while. Your dinner sounds lovely just enough for one.