I gave myself a "Me" day on Friday. (Some people around here would say I do that every day, but I'll not dignify that with a response.) I didn't really plan it and that seemed to make it better. I started out with my morning walk on the beach (third day in a row), then after showering, rearranged Melissa's room/sewing room again. I had to run into work to complete a form (waste of time), then I headed downtown for my therapist appointment. Since I got there early, I treated myself to an iced mint tea and drank it on the deck of the coffee shop. After the therapist, I picked up a bagel sandwich at Yorgo's and headed home to meet a friend and sit on the beach for a couple of hours. After the beach, I showered, and then left for downtown again, this time to see a movie at the Naro by myself. I got there early, started to get another tea, but changed my mind and had a martini instead. It felt absolutely decadent! I sat and talked to the bartender and a waitress about knitting and beading while drinking it.
Saturday, Steve and I had a date day! We started the day with a walk on the beach, then went out for breakfast, ending up at a coffee shop that was hosting a knitting meet-up! We shared a table and some conversation with an interesting knitter who lives nearby. Small world. Steve went into work for a few hours, I visited my parents, then in the evening, he and I went to the Commodore to see Robin Hood.
Yesterday, after our walk, I spent an hour or so sitting on the beach reading, then spent the rest of the day puttering around the house and yard. I opened all the windows, which made it feel even more like a beach house, even though it did get a little hot. We went out for pizza with L, J, & S, to celebrate J's birthday, and I was in bed by 10 p.m.
A lovely, lovely weekend. Hope yours was too.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
21 hours ago
Thank God. For a minute there, I thought you were drinking and knitting and, Lord help me, beading while drinking. It's OK to drink and talk about it, though!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great weekend, Rose! Everyday should have a little me-time thrown in.
Yeah! What Rudee said about the bead/drink/knit thing.
ReplyDeleteI think you've earned a few down days - it's your vacation, after all.
Walking, knitting, reading and the beach...sounds perfect to me!