Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Blogging from my Work Vacation
I can't say much about the work I'm doing, as it's confidential, but it has been a fabulous opportunity to learn more about the content I teach. And meeting with other teachers around the state who teach the same subject I do has been great also. As a matter of fact, out of the eleven members of our committee, there are two knitters (counting me) and one crocheter! Pretty cool, huh?
I did knit night at The Yarn Lounge last night and they couldn't have been more welcoming. It's a beautiful shop and I'm looking forward to visiting it again now that S is going to attend VCU. I worked on the Hokie cowl but unfortunately, after I left I had a martini, continued to work on it, and made a fatal error, so now I'm starting at ground zero again. When will I learn? At least I still have the Evil Stepmother cowl, which is the one I'm working on during down time in my committee meeting. Knitting in the round, all the time, seems to be about all I'm capable of this week. Oh well, best laid plans and all that.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Knitting While Working
This is one of my older UFOs; it's the child placket-neck sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. When I started this project, about two years ago I'm guessing, I got as far as knitting the body up to the sleeve portion and then couldn't understand the directions. I pulled it out of the pile the other day and it "suddenly" made sense to me. Nice how that happens, huh?
Also still working on this newest project, the Hokie cowl.
The Citron is getting a row done now and then, but I figure this trip may get me going again. My stitch count is off but since it looks proportional, I'm accepting it and moving ahead. I think it'll still work.
For the possible new stuff I may cast on, I'm taking this gorgeous ball of Kathmandu chunky and Wendy Bernard's pattern Last-Minute "Purled" Beret. Christmas present knitting. (although now that I've linked it, I notice the yarn is too bulky so. . . . . . . )
I also felt the urge to bring this KnitPicks Imagination skein with me for a Pashmina Cowl (LMKG). The colorway is Evil Stepmother, so I think this may be for me.
I've also thrown in these two balls of Berroco Seduce and a pattern called Modern Mermaid Scarf. Because this is new yarn and I want to play with it. And it's actually the suggested yarn for the project (which rarely happens with me).
And just in case that's not enough, I have a couple of skeins of Noro Kuryeon, so if I have the urge to knit another k1, p1 scarf, I'm ready. You know, like in the event I get stranded in Richmond for a month instead of four days. Even though there's at least three knitting shops, one has to be prepared. Although, after listing all of this, it does make me sound a little nuts. I mean I am going to be busy from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. With actual working.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Work Trip
I picked up some more books at the library today, including Wolf Hall. I don't often read historical fiction, but I've heard so many positive things about this book that I'd thought I'd give it a go. Plus, it ties in with all the movies I've watched this summer about the English monarchies.
I've finished my laundry so the only thing left to do now is pack my knitting! See you next week!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Now I think I need to go back to working on my Citron. Or the Hokie cowl. Or . . . . . . .
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Clean as a Whistle
I finished the baby sweater last night in time to unpick the ribbed cuff on the first sleeve and reknit it. The pattern says to knit the cuffs on size six (the rest of the sweater is on size nines), but I just felt like the cuff was too small so I reknit it on size nines. Even if it's a little loose, it'll be better than too tight. I know for a fact that I had to cut the elastic in every outfit my youngest daughter wore for the first year of her life. (She's quite svelte now by the way.) I even had time to give it a little soak in lavender scented Eucalan. This picture isn't very good but I took it around midnight last night in case I didn't remember to do it this morning. You can see the color better on my ravelry project page.
In other knitting news, Mere, my oldest, is trying her hand at a pair of fair isle mittens and S is learning how to cable and read from a chart. I thought I knew how to read a chart, even though I've never used one, but it turns out I didn't. Thankfully Mere set me straight after a conversation about it this afternoon. And now S will have to start over on her hat when she gets home from work. Luckily she's only five rows in and it's bulky weight so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Now I'm going to go make and eat pancakes for dinner. Comfort food. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Clear Liquids
I think this brings my WIP count up to sixteen or so. Crazy.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Rite of Passage
I've also got a great big case of startitis. I only have one sleeve left on the baby sweater I started on Saturday, so that's a success. I'm still working on Citron and the Mitered Hanging Towel, and now I've decided to start an Abstract Leaves Cowl using this yarn, for my friend who's battling lung cancer. She's a major Hokie fan and I'm pretty sure she'll like it.
I had a lovely day at the beach yesterday with a friend of mine. Hot, but with a nice breeze, although we did see more of one male sunworshipper than we wanted. The things you see on the beach. Lucky for you, I didn't take a photo.
And what's the deal with my knitting needles? I have tons and yet, I need to go buy two more circular needles, a size 3 and a size 4, for the cowl. Steve swears someone comes in and takes them during the night. I rarely do small weight yarn, but this summer I'm branching out a bit. And that means some new needles. Oh the sacrifices I make for my "art"!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Sweet Saturday
For example, I read about this site on this blog; according to one blog post I analyzed, I write like Raymond Chandler! Another post came out like Stephen King and another like David Foster Wallace! Try it, it's quite fun. Although I'm sure the true authors would be appalled.
***Check out this observation before getting too excited about the above "Write like" link. But you knew that already, didn't you??
In other news, Steve and I headed up to Williamsburg this morning because he wanted to go to the outlets to buy a couple of birthday gifts. While there, I discovered a Crocs outlet and even though I've never owned any before, I now own three pair. Two pair (brown and black) are similar to maryjanes with slingbacks, and the third pair (navy) is more like a strappy sandal. I actually bought the first pair and wore them while we shopped, which is why I went back for the other two pair. They are very comfortable and I hope they'll be a nice alternative to the running shoes I had to wear all last school year.
We also just "happened" to stop into Knitting Sisters on the way back home. I wanted to buy another darning/tapestry needle, but of course bought a little yarn as well. I bought a skein of Berroco Seduce in gris-blue, a skein of Berroco Seduce Colors in occult, and a skein of Claudia Hand Painted Yarns, fingering weight in the Hokie colors. I've already decided to use the Berroco yarns on this pattern, and I'm going to make some type of scarflette for M2 in the Hokie colored yarn. If you know of a cute pattern that only uses 175 yards or less, please let me know, since I only bought the one skein.
I started yet another project this morning on the drive up (there was a lot of traffic). I'm trying to make the Baby Pullover for my niece to give as a baby shower gift. If I get it done by Tuesday, she'll take it. If not, I'll just keep it for the next time I need a baby gift. The good news is I'm using stashed yarn and the pattern seems so much easier this time around. The "bad" news is that Steve thinks the color is all wrong for a baby boy, but I'm not worrying about it. And now, back to knitting. Hope your Saturday is a good one.
Friday, July 16, 2010
So Much Fun!
Unfortunately, I forgot to take any pictures!! She was working on a Ysolda Teague shawl pattern, and I worked on my handspun scarf. K1, P1, is about all the pattern following I can do while talking. Consequently, I'm almost done.
Here's a closeup of the lovely yarn.
Next up is a baby sweater for my niece's friend. I'm going to use this pattern and some Jelly Beenz yarn I have in my stash. It should work up rather quickly, as it's an easy pattern that I've done once already.
After I got back from Williamsburg, I picked up S and we went to lunch, I got my haircut, and then we hung out at another coffee shop before she had to go to work. I also got a surprise in the mail yesterday. My oldest daughter sent me this postcard she had made using one of the photos she took of her tomatoes.
Today is a Beach Friday, and although there's a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon, I think the morning and midday are supposed to be clear, so off I go. I hope you have a great weekend!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Any suggestions? And why are scarves considered less worthy? What's your opinion?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Little Sewing, A Little Knitting
I am back to where I was on the Citron before I had to rip out. I'm only knitting on it at home, to eliminate having to stop in the middle of the row. Still love the way it looks.
Today is another free day, although tomorrow is packed. And then either Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, I get to meet a blogger friend, Caffeine Girl ! She's coming to a town near me and we're making plans to meet up. I'm thinking there may be a yarn store visit in my immediate future.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, Steve and I had a date day! We started the day with a walk on the beach, then went out for breakfast, ending up at a coffee shop that was hosting a knitting meet-up! We shared a table and some conversation with an interesting knitter who lives nearby. Small world. Steve went into work for a few hours, I visited my parents, then in the evening, he and I went to the Commodore to see Robin Hood.
Yesterday, after our walk, I spent an hour or so sitting on the beach reading, then spent the rest of the day puttering around the house and yard. I opened all the windows, which made it feel even more like a beach house, even though it did get a little hot. We went out for pizza with L, J, & S, to celebrate J's birthday, and I was in bed by 10 p.m.
A lovely, lovely weekend. Hope yours was too.
Laundry Bag Tutorial
I just used half of what I bought, cutting along the print lines.
and stitch along two sides of the three raw edges, leaving one side open.
Use cording twice the width of the bag,
plus a little extra. It took 2 1/2 yards for this bag.
You have to use tape to secure the cording before you cut it, to prevent unraveling.
Cut in the middle of the tape.
Now you need a bodkin to thread the cording through the pocket. Bodkins are sold in sewing stores and they are invaluable.
Insert one end into the pocket,
shove through, distributing the bunching fabric as you go.
If you're lucky, it comes out on the other side, although for some reason, it usually takes me two tries.
Pull it the rest of the way through,
and tie off both ends of the cording, then knot the ends together.
This bag is really too big, because M2 tends to stuff everything she owns in these, making it ridiculously heavy, but she was happy.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I was complaining and whining to Steve about how aggravating it was going to be to have to start over (I had almost completed the second section), when he asked me an important question.
Me: whine, whine, whine, etc.
Steve: But I thought you liked this pattern?
Me: Yes, but now I have to start over.
Steve: But if you like it, won't starting over mean you just get to knit it again? And since you like it, what's the problem?
Me: (silence)
So I realized that he was right. I really was enjoying the pattern, and starting over means I get to enjoy it for a little extra time. Not that I want to knit it forever or anything. Sisyphus, I'm not.
Now my concern is that I've messed up enough of this skein of yarn that I'm going to run short at the end, but I love the color so much that I'm going to give it a shot. It may be the shortest Citron in the Ravelry pool, but que sera sera.
Citron SOS!

Still Hot Here
Another hot day, another cold dinner. Apparently I'm on a Mediterranean food kick right now. This is what my refrigerator is stocked with this week.
- Hummus, lentil & brown rice salad, cucumber salad, homemade.
- Falafal, from a mix.
- Tabouli salad, dolmas, yogurt garlic dressing/dip, bought at my local Mediterranean store.
I don't know if this is Mediterranean in origin or not, but I've been eating cold wheat berries with fresh blueberries and chopped apples for breakfast this week. Yummy.
I've also started walking on the beach in the morning right after Steve leaves for work. I had planned to start this regime as soon as school let out but it looks like July 6 was my first day. Better late than never, right? I need to walk in the evening as well, but so far, I haven't.
I'm going to make some all-purpose/laundry bags today with some heavy weight IKEA fabric I bought last summer for $2 a yard. I'll be sure to post photos.
And thanks for the comments about my Citron. I'm still loving it! Hoping to work on it today and tonight, maybe while watching a dvd in my underwater room.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Beat the Heat with Lace
Random notes:
Monday, July 5, 2010
Summer Update
One of my recent distractions was making this Noro scarf out of the 50% off skeins of Noro I bought in Blacksburg last week. This combo is my least favorite of the four or five I've made but it's a warm, practical scarf that's going in the FO trunk for gifting.
Here's a photo of the baby sweater I finished while at the beach house. It's an easy pattern, and now that I've finally finished it, I'm ready to start another one. Since I've gained knitting confidence in the year(s) between the start and the completion of it, I'm assuming the next one won't take as long.
And here are two of the bonnets I made from Larissa's pattern. The mauve one on the right is classic and old-fashioned looking I think. The one on the left I'm not so happy with. I ran out of peach yarn so I finished the end in the aqua. I liked the aqua as an edge trim, but I think this looks exactly like a project that ran out of yarn. What do you think?
Friday, July 2, 2010
Good News
I had some friends from work over for the first Beach Friday of the summer today. Oddly enough, I was actually hoping no one would show up, but it was probably best that they did. I always seem to have a bit of a slump in the beginning of the summer, due to a lack of a schedule I think. It was a gorgeous day, around 80 degrees with a nice breeze off the Bay; the kind of day where you can get burned to a crisp if you're not careful. It was very relaxing, lots of talking, and of course, I got to knit. Still plugging along on the baby blanket squares.
I started my summer cooking plan today too. First thing this morning, I cooked a pot of brown rice and soaked some bulgur, then put them in the refrigerator. Then, this evening, I cut up some cucumber, green onions, celery, red and green peppers, and radishes and added them to the rice and bulgur mixture, along with grated Parmesan cheese, made a vinaigrette, and mixed it all together. The recipe is called Leftover Grains Salad and it was delicious.
I also made a pot of brown rice and lentils with onion, garlic, and celery to have on hand for the weekend. Now I'm sitting here with the windows open and enjoying the 69 degree breeze while it lasts. Apparently next week it'll be back up around 100 degrees. Yuck.
I'm thinking I'll do a little sewing tomorrow. Hope your weekend plans are good ones.