Saturday, December 31, 2011
Knitting and the New Year

Cowl Girls
Friday, December 30, 2011
Looking Ahead (just a bit)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Cleaning House
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Days After Christmas

Monday, December 26, 2011
St. Stephen's Day
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Life is so good. I hope your life is sweet too.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Last Day Before Break
Monday, December 19, 2011
What is Going On Here?
Oh, and then there's the whole Christmas scene barrelling at me like a freight train, which is exactly the opposite way I'd like to describe the way I feel about Christmas. I want to be Amanda, and instead, I'm me, snapping at my family and freaking out at little things. I mean, I walked into my pharmacist's on Saturday and she knew exactly what medication I needed to refill (hint: it's rhymes with Manax).
The good news is that I had my ladies' only party here yesterday and it was lovely, despite the headache I had behind my eyes (stress? it's possible). The tree is lit and decorated, and many packages are wrapped under it. I've made many of my gifts and bought locally for most of the others, so I really don't know why I'm feeling stressed, but I am.
But I've only two more days to work this week, my stepdaughter arrived on Saturday and my oldest daughter should be here on Thursday, so I'm just going to relax (if it kills me) and enjoy the season. And one of these days, I should have some photos back up on this blog. And my next post will definitely be more positive, I promise. Thanks for letting me vent, for I know I have a wonderful life.
Monday, December 12, 2011
I May Need a Little Help. . . .
Monday, December 5, 2011
Crafting & Community
Yesterday I hosted my 2nd Craft-OV-Rama and it was so relaxing. Ten lovely women were there, including my youngest daughter, and the age range was from 22 to 55, single, married, new mamas, empty nest mamas, and some without children. When I came into work this morning, one of the young mamas thanked me again for hosting these get-togethers. She said they are the only times she really gets to have "me" time and she realizes how important it is to her mental health. Which is actually one of the reasons I'm doing these. Being a part of a community of women has always been important to me, and this is a way for me to pay it forward and include some of these young, harried women in my life. La Leche League was where I really learned how vital these types of relationships are and ever since, they have been a part of my life in some form or other. I am so glad my daughter participates too, as she will need this type of support someday soon, and meanwhile, it's good for her to see the interaction between a somewhat diverse group of women. Although as I write this, I realize she grew up seeing this, so she already knows.
So, what crafting was done? One woman made a fleece blanket, I taught another friend to knit, and I did some knitting myself. I also tried making a potholder on the old metal loom my daughters used when they were young, but I couldn't remember how to bind it off. So in other words, there wasn't a lot of crafting, but there was a lot of talking, which is just as nice.
Knitting update: I am on my fourth Wanderer Cap cast on. The first time I didn't get it at all, the second time I got it, but messed up on the chart, the third time I messed up on the cast on, and now I'm beginning again. Although I know I could give up, I also know that I can do this. It's not that hard of a pattern. It is challenging for me (obviously) but it isn't really that hard, so I'm going to persevere. Stay tuned.
Friday, December 2, 2011
That said, I'm really happy it's the weekend. I have crafting in my plans. And a chicken dinner in the oven. I used a new recipe from this month's Everyday Foods (love that magazine) and cooked it in the crock pot last night so we could heat it up for dinner tonight. Couscous on the side, white wine gravy, and a glass of wine with the meal. What's not to love?
I've finished the Mustard Scarf and started another one, this time using a silk and wool blend. And I'm making a personal promise to pull out some WIPs. Whoops, I just got the Quince & Co. yarn delivery, so the personal promise just went out the window. Wow, they were quick! I ordered it just a couple of days ago and wasn't expecting it until next week!! Now I'm definitely knitting on some new yarn.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
December? Already?
I also noticed the PurlBee's newest project, the Eleventh Hour Blanket. I love PurlBee's projects, and they are so generous with sharing their patterns, but I also love to calculate the cost of their projects sometimes, just to amaze myself. This project uses eight skeins of Cascade's Magnum, at a cost of $22.60 per skein. Pricey. Of course, as I type this I realize I have so much money already tied up in this knitting habit of mine, that the cost of this project would be a drop in the proverbial bucket, but still. I guess as long as I don't drop that much money knowingly, I can continue to delude myself that I'm really not spending too much. Hmm. I may need to rethink my strategy. Especially since I just placed an order with Quince & Co. I love their yarn, don't you?
I'm just about done with the Mustard Scarf/Cowl that I started on Sunday. It's an easy knit, but I kept making mistakes at first because I was knitting it whilst watching MI-5, (it's called Spooks in the UK) which is a pretty suspenseful show. Steve and I have been on an MI-5 binge for about three months now; we are totally addicted. I think we have three or four more seasons left, and then who knows what we'll do for entertainment. (Just joking, my Netflix queue is loaded with more British television. I'll be fine.)
So far the strategy of gift wrapping as I go seems to be working. The gift wrapping station is in Melissa's bedroom and the wrapped gifts are being stored in Stephanie's bedroom until we buy and put up our tree. I'd like to get it soon so we can let it soak up water for a couple of weeks.
I'm hitting another craft show this Saturday with my sister and mom, and then I'm hosting my 2nd Craft-OV-Rama on Sunday. Should be a whirlwind weekend. Hope you have some fun stuff planned too!