It's another gorgeous day, so I spent some time at the beach and on the deck while Steve worked in the yard. He's planting gladioli bulbs for one thing; not sure what else he's working on, but he's happy.
I've noticed the sweater knitting has tapered off and I'm blaming the weather. It's hard to be enthusiastic about knitting wool when the temperatures are in the seventies. And it really isn't a good idea to knit wool at the beach, as the humidity can cause minor felting! So I decided to frog a project I had started last spring in order to re-purpose the Mission Falls 1824 cotton yarn. I just bought Itty-Bitty Nursery last week (with a gift card) and I think the yarn will be perfect for some of the projects in the book, much better than the wrap I was making. The wrap would have been pretty, but it's not something I would actually wear, so back into the stash it goes!
We watched District 9 last night since the girls had recommended it to us. Even though it was not my usual type of movie, it was a good story. The film was so busy and moved so fast though that I know we missed nuances. When I returned it, I picked up Brick Lane, a movie I hadn't heard of but that the clerk recommended. (These aren't your Blockbuster clerks either, but movie aficionados, so I tend to trust them. Although Steve thinks they're just snobs.) Anyhow, I'm hoping to watch it tonight, since it seems our local PBS station isn't showing Masterpiece Theatre these days for some reason.
And then it's back to work. T minus ten days to spring break.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
21 hours ago
It does feel good to know I'm not working this week. I haven't seen Itty-Bitty Nursery, but I do have Itty-Bitty Hats, and I love that book
ReplyDeleteIt's 38 degrees here and my husbands has packed all of my sweaters away. I'm freezing my butt off.