I used a couple of Barnes & Noble gift cards last week and bought three trade paperbacks off of their buy 2 get one free table. I bought A Reliable Wife, Laura Rider's Masterpiece, and When Will There Be Good News?.
I read the Laura Rider's Masterpiece book right away as it was by Jane Hamilton, an author I always like; funny and wry, a quick read that I enjoyed a lot.
I just finished A Reliable Wife last night and I must say I was very disappointed, especially since all the reviews I saw were glowing ones. I thought it was terrible, nothing more than one of those bodice ripper books; not at all what I expected. It's bad enough to buy a dud at the used book sales, but to waste a gift card on a new book really bothers me.
I also finished the back of the baby sweater today (baby stuff is so much fun!) and decided to keep the seed stitch blue throughout, mabut ke the left front in yellow, the right front in green, and alternate the sleeve colors. Like a color-block sweater, only with stripes in the back. I hope it doesn't look too crazy.
TGIF tomorrow! Can't wait.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
21 hours ago
I agree with you about "A Reliable Wife". I'm about 2/3's of the way through and am just finishing it to finish it. If you haven't read "The Help", it's excellent.