Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Friday, July 1, 2016


Thanks you so much for your kind words concerning my mom. It seems as if all the tests are good news and that more than likely she had a very small clot that disbursed around her eye, which prevented a stroke. There is one more test they are going to do, but as of now, she is taking Plavix and a cholesterol medicine to prevent further episodes. Having to take these two medicines has bothered her, as she has been so healthy that even at age 76, the only medicine she takes daily is a thyroid pill. She's always prided herself on her good health and she said she feels like she's joined the "old peoples' club" now. So once she accepts her new normal, I think she'll be fine.

Again, thank you for your concern and kind words. I'm so grateful that I was available to go with her to her tests and follow up appointments; I made sure we had some fun time along with it, but mostly the good news made it all better. I am so lucky to have both of my parents around still. My friend, Lori, has had to help her 22 and 24 year old children deal with the sudden loss of their father, and here I am, at 56, with both of mine, alive and well. Grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Good news Rose, thank you for letting us know.
