Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lovely and Amazing

My mom had breast cancer surgery on Wednesday, and it couldn't have gone any better. She had very little pain after and is impatiently awaiting permission to return to her daily exercise classes. Yesterday, she and I went to a Quilt Show so she could burn off some of her inexhaustible energy, and the colors were gorgeous. Despite a few opportunities to purchase yarn and buttons, I bought nothing. I think my restraint came from the fact that I had started a clearing out on Friday night and knew I had more than enough of everything. This happens sometimes after I go out of town; I come home with a desire to clean and clear out and this time, it happened with a vengeance. I started Friday night as soon as I got home from work, and I'm still at it today. I started with the sun room, as that is where most of my free time is spent, moved to the bedroom, and finished up in the craft room. I still need to do the kitchen, but I'm planning to work in there today. It's funny how even the air feels cleaner afterwards, like all the dust motes are gone. I've sorted out some knitting projects that are very close to finishing, and pulled some forgotten skeins of yarn to the surface of a big basket, and I'm considering doing a little sewing, but I'll have to think about it a bit more.

As for today, it feels like spring is very near; it's sunny and the temperature is in the high sixties. Steve is in the yard and garage doing some clearing up as well, and I'm heading down to the beach to soak up some sunshine and do a little knitting. What a lovely day.


Here are a few of the quilts we saw yesterday; the artistry is amazing, isn't it? More like paintings than textiles.









1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping your mom has a full recovery. My mom had a double mastectomy 10 years ago and she is going strong.

    My goal for the summer is to declutter big time. I have to admit that I am not very good at it!
