I am as excited as a kid at Christmas that it is almost time to visit Meredith for Thanksgiving! I keep getting texts from her about the menu and I can tell she is as excited as I am! So very lucky to have such wonderful, talented daughters! I can hardly believe my good fortune. So thankful.
After work the other day, I stopped in at Hancock Fabrics and bought six little bundles of Christmas print fabric; I have no idea what I will do with them, but they may end up as gift wrapping if I can't come up with any other use for them, and that would be just fine. Last year I made the decision to not buy Christmas wrapping paper, and instead, I used brown paper grocery bags, or old maps, or even by mistake, a poster of Stephanie's. Oops. Other than the mistake with the poster, it turned out just fine and I'm never going back now.
The doctor's office called me yesterday afternoon to tell my my strep culture came back positive and I needed to stay home today as I'm contagious until I'm on antibiotics for 24 hours. Too bad for the people i may have infected on Monday and Tuesday I guess. Anyway, I felt guilty about missing the last day before break, but it's a good thing I did, because I felt wiped out today. At least I can sleep in the car tomorrow if I need to rest.
I did knit on my shrug a little bit today.
I am planning to take that plus my sock knitting with me. I have two second socks to complete so I don't imagine I will run out of knitting.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families!
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
21 hours ago
Okay you need to get feeling better quickly so you can really enjoy your time with your family. Have a wonderful trip and Happy Thanksgiving.
Meredith (the other one)
I hope you were feeling well enough in time for Thanksgiving and I hope you had a nice holiday.