Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekend Fun. . . . . .Now An Empty Nest

This weekend was a whirlwind! At one point we had all four daughters plus one friend in our tiny little house and now, I've got nothing. I didn't even take pictures this weekend, we were so busy just being together.

We had laughter, food, crafting, thrift store shopping, talking, movie watching, knitting, staying up late, sewing, yarn shopping, and more food. And lots and lots of fun.

Yesterday, Steve and I took Mere to the train station, then drove Stephanie back to her apartment in Richmond. The three of us ate lunch at Garnett's, an adorable little restaurant.
The place was so small, this is the width of the place at one end. It widens, but not much; in fact, I counted the number of chairs and it can only seat twenty-four people, including the counter. Maybe that's why they have these five chairs outside.Richmond is noted for its many small restaurants, and we try to find a different one each trip. Most of the time the food is unique and delicious, and this was no exception. I had a white bean sandwich, called the WBLT, with a cold black-eyed pea salad in a grapefruit vinegarette that tasted wonderful.

When we got home, the house was so quiet that I took a three hour nap.

This week is my last week before starting work/school again, so of course that means I'm trying to get everything done all at once, in addition to trying to get my sleep habits back to normal. It's funny, but every year when summer starts, I stay on a fairly normal schedule until August, at which point I start staying up later and later, and napping to catch up. A habit that makes going back to work quite difficult. Not the smartest plan, but it does seem to be a pattern.

Hope your week is a good one!


  1. I'm enjoying the last week with both my kids home as well, but your time sounds much more rollicking! The most we have done together is to watch (illegally, I suspect) downloaded episodes of Downton Abbey. Now I'm toying with the idea of naming the updated version of my Chocolat Jacket "Downton" in an effort to echo the quiet elegance of the Edwardian fashions so beautifully worn on the show.

  2. Enjoy your last week off.

    That cafe looks interesting and sounds tasty.
