Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Surgery, Snow, and Gracie

My surgery went really well, and my recovery time was surprisingly enjoyable.  I was spoiled by my friends, my parents, and my daughter, Melissa, as well as my neighbor, Eva, and because of all their wonderful support, I was able to follow my doctor's orders to keep my foot elevated for the first two weeks.  When I went to my two-week follow up appointment, he was pleasantly surprised by how little swelling there was.    

I would have returned to work on Tuesday, except we were hit by the BombCyclone of snowstorms (I have no idea where that name came from) and school was out for five straight days, largely due to the extreme low temperatures that kept the streets and school parking lots covered far longer than normal.  This was good news for me, as it means that instead of being charged five days of sick leave, I only used two!  We go back tomorrow and will have two weeks left of this semester, before exams and beginning second semester, so it will be slightly anticlimactic, I suspect.  But at least I won't have much grading waiting for me.  I really got lucky.


I don't have too much time for a long post, but I wanted to catch up just a bit.  Most of my photos are of Gracie keeping me company on the couch;  today is the five year anniversary of her adoption from the pet rescue, and it turns out that if I sit long enough , she does like to sit on my lap after all.  It only took us five years to discover this.  

 Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year, and hopefully I will be back in this space soon.

I have been knitting and I do have some snow pictures, but I'll show those next time.  Thanks for all your good wishes!





  1. So glad you posted! I've been wondering how you fared with your surgery. It's wonderful that you were pampered enough to recover so well.
    Who would have ever thought that there would be more snow in Virginia Beach than Madison???
    Here's to your continued recovery!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that all went well, and I'm glad you are feeling good.

    Give Gracie an anniversary kiss from me!

  3. Glad things went so well and that you had some Bonus Time.

  4. So good to hear from you again and so glad your surgery went well and your recovery was easier with all the support from your friends and family (and Gracie, of course). The snow has been nuts, hasn't it? I heard that VA Beach was really hard hit. Glad you are ok (and got some bonus days!!).

  5. Glad you are doing well rose, those Bomb Cyclone days came in handy. Wishing you and Gracie a cozy weekend.
