Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Saturday, August 20, 2016


It hasn't been a full week since Steve moved out and I'm feeling very sad and lost. I know my new normal will come but until then, I'm trying to treat myself gently and with tenderness. The beach is such a restorative place for me and I'm trying to make myself visit it often, but some days it's just too hard to do even that. These photos are a good reminder why I need to go, every day if possible.


Can not remember the name of this shore bird, but he's not a regular.

The water was sparkling!

Early morning sun.

I've been cooking too, which for some reason I had stopped doing. This was a quiche that was just so-so, but it looks pretty.

These were also a bit bland, but pretty.

Using leftover beans with an egg, to be thrifty and healthy. I definitely need to find my cooking groove again.

Finished my second Nurmilintu and am quite pleased with it. I ran short of yarn so only did two sections of garter stitch and two of lace but then added a half repeat of the lace and I like it a lot.

I found my yarn from the knitting guild retreat and I think I may use this to finally make the Nymphalidea shawl, although mine would be smaller due to my yardage. I'm also in the process of swapping my craft room and guest room, which is somewhat overwhelming. I have so much stuff. I'd like to reduce what I have but it's so hard to make decisions right now.

But there's always this sweet face to keep me company. And I've been binge watching the BBC Father Brown series while knitting. It's funny but when I first watched an episode a year or so ago, I didn't care for it, but now it seems to be perfect. Am I the only person not watching the Olympics this year? Father Brown, Doctor Blake, and Inspector Lewis are more to my taste at the moment. Comfort television, knitting, and Gracie. Soothing to my soul.



  1. Rose, you are in my thoughts and prayers my friend. Yes you will get through this but it won't be easy, but coming out the other side stronger and more independent will be the best way to shut the door on this part of your life and open the door to the rest of your magical life.
    Sending you a hug,

  2. Take care of yourself, and let Gracie take care of you too. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

  3. Thank you both for your kindness; spent a few hours at the beach early this morning, which is so good for me.

  4. I wish I were there to knit with you and talk over tea. Divorce is such a difficult process. I'm glad that you are treating yourself tenderly -- and visiting the beach regularly! I often find that work is a good distraction, so I hope that your school year is kind to you.
