Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Working on a second Nurmilintu, using yarn that is the color of Spanish moss. I want to make a Drachenfels next, but need to take the time to locate three colors in my stash that will work together.

Made a very small batch of ginger syrup but I think I let it get too thick. No matter, I've used it up already and bought a large knob of ginger on Sunday to make another batch.

I also made some farmer's market pasta, but something was missing; it was too bland.

There was live music at the farmer's market on Sunday, which I enjoyed with my stepdaughter, Stephanie.

On a cloudy day at the beach, I saw a pooped pup getting carried; she actually fell asleep right after I took this photo.

My daughter, Melissa, met me and two of my knitting friends, Lori and Cofield, to see the documentary, Yarn, Tuesday night, and I won a $25 gift certificate to my favorite yarn shop, Baa Baa Sheep.


I also bought this book at the thrift store in Tuesday for only $1; can't believe it's been twenty years since its original publication!

Gracie continues to sleep much of her days away, sometimes in the most unusual poses.



So why did I title this post, Reset? Because Steve is moving out and we are getting a divorce. I was very sad but not surprised, as we've been struggling to make it work for far too long. Now I've hit the reset button and am looking to a new and different future. All will be well, and all will be well.



  1. Well you sound like someone who will be able to move forward and make your new life the way you want it. Sorry it didn't work out, but better to just admit it and move on.

    Here's hoping it goes as smoothly as it can. And please give Gracie a pat from me.

  2. Ending can be difficult but new beginnings can be exciting. I hope there is very little difficult and lots of good exciting things for you. What did you think of Yarn? Lisa

  3. Sorry to hear about the divorce, but it sounds like you have a great attitude. I hope the process is as smooth and as stress-free as possible. The future will hold new and wonderful experiences!

  4. I wish the very best for you. I'm sorry for this sadness in your life.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about you and Steve, but I trust you so I'm sure this is the right thing. Marriage is SO hard under the best of circumstances. I'm glad you will still be living in your cottage by the sea!

  6. Thank you all for taking the time to comment. I am grieving,, but as you noticed, I do usually choose to make the best of less than stellar situations, so I expect to be fine in the long run. And Gracie and the beach will help, along with my family and friends. Peace.

  7. One door closes and another opens.

  8. One door closes and another opens.
