Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What Fun!

One of the teachers in the English department suggested we all dress up as a literary term on Friday as a way to reinforce vocabulary and to have fun with it. This is a photo of four of us, but almost the entire department participated. I was a metaphor. (As in, "I'm not like a witch. I am a witch."

On Saturday, Steve and I drove up to Richmond, and took a party bus with the Georgia Tech Alumni group he belongs to and went to Charlottesville for the Tech-UVA game. Although GT lost, it was a great day for college football; the weather was perfect.



Of course, I knit all through the game.


The GT mascot, Buzz, came up in the stands for some photo ops.

Since I couldn't talk Steve into a photo with him, I took a selfie!

We stayed at a historic inn in downtown Richmond last night; the Lindon Row Inn, which dates back to when Poe was a resident of the area.

This was the view from our room:

I've almost finished the scarf, thanks to some car knitting, although it's still too warm around here to get any use. But at least I'll be ready for Thanksgiving in Brooklyn!



  1. Wow that looks like a fantastic weekend, and I love your scarf!

    The literary Halloween costumes are one of my favorite things EVER.
