Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Friday, February 13, 2015

Three Day Weekend

Steve and I are taking the train to New York City tomorrow morning, and driving back on Monday in the car he's buying from my son-in-law. I'm a little nervous about how the weather may affect the roads, but I'm thrilled to have a chance to visit Meredith! We are staying in an apartment in Brooklyn, that we booked through AirBnB, that's only one subway stop away from her. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited!

I'm taking my Edie sweater and hoping to make some serious progress on it during the train ride. I've hardly knit at all this week, due to committments almost every night this week, including Open House night on Wednesday. I teach 60 students but only had 2 parents show up. Frankly, I'm not sure why we still do it, but what do I know. My classes continue to be a lot of fun and I'm keeping my fingers crossed the semester continues to go as smoothly as the first three weeks have gone.

Although my cut flowers are still hanging on, I bought this little pot of daffodils to put on my desk. A small reminder that spring is coming.




  1. Have a wonderful trip Rose. I went to open house for my senior this year and only five to six parents were in each of his classes, so sad I think.

    1. Thank you, Meredith! For some reason, parents think that by high school, they don't need to go, but it's still importantl! Happy Valentines Day!

  2. We have the same problem with Open House. We get far more affluent parents than parents from poverty-level families, and that always makes me feel bad.

    Hope your weekend was great!
