Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Week

We are having an interesting month, weather-wise. We came home from New York on President's Day to falling snow, and as a result of the snow and below freezing temperatures, the schools in my area were closed until yesterday! The roads had become icy and as we don't normally have snow and ice issues, our cities do not have the resources to make traveling safe. People living north of us think it's funny we close for what seems like very little snow, but we just aren't equipped for it down here. So, we returned to school yesterday, refreshed by our surprise winter break, and got back to our curriculum.

It started snowing again this afternoon and although the weather folks were only calling for a dusting, it hasn't stopped yet, and the schools have already announced that we are closed again tomorrow. Not only that, but we are supposed to get another 6-10 inches of snow tomorrow night, which would close us down for the rest of the week. I love snow days, but it's going to get crazy trying to make up the time from this point on.


Here are a few photos from last week's snow. The biggest problem was that the snow had a frozen top layer, which froze everything in place. In order to open my front gate, I had to break up the ice/snow in tile-like chunks, rather than simply shoveling it out of the way.



See the sheen? This is solid ice that I had to break this up in order to move it off the car. Luckily, I didn't damage any of the paint.

And the footprints you see, stayed that way because the snow was ice instead of powder.

The view behind the fence is the road; difficult to see where the curbs are, isn't it?


Of course, we still don't have a lot of snow compared to New England; here is a photo of my daughter, Meredith, that she took on Saturday. New Yorkers keep on going when they have snow.


Regardless of what tomorrow brings us, I'm going to enjoy another snow day while I have the opportunity. Hoping to stay nice and cozy and get a little work done and even more knitting done!


  1. Wow! That's a lot of snow for you beach people down there. And the icing is no fun when you're just not used to driving in those conditions, let alone if your municipality has no road salt or brine down on the streets.

    I'm absolutely O V E R this brutal winter up here in northeastern Ohio, where (although it doesn't make the national news!) we have had at least a foot of snow on the ground since mid-January. We haven't seen even freezing since I Can't Remember (certainly not in February), and the last time I saw grass was in December.

    Try not to cram too much in after getting back to school. Ask yourself "What's truly important from now til the end of the year?" Focus on that, and sneak in at least one or two fun things if you can.

  2. I'm jealous of you now -- but, you're right, making up the time is going to be less fun. You should definitely enjoy the time. There is something so cozy about being home during a snow storm. We've had very little snow this winter and I miss that!
