I cannot believe how nervous I am about starting work tomorrow. When I first started the transfer process, I knew it was time for a change, time to be reinvigorated, to learn new things about my craft, but just now, I'm in a bit of a mess. I know that two weeks from now, I'll be fine, but I kind of wish I was there already.
In an effort to distract myself, I have been buying cookbooks and reading cooking blogs. As a result, Stephanie was the lucky recipient of my burst of homemaking, in the form of a warm batch of Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip cookies to take back to Richmond. She came home last night for a few things she had forgotten. I even packed the cookies in the oatmeal box and explained how that was the way cookies used to be mailed in dorm room care packages, lo, these many years ago. And since she had to be on her way before I finished my last minute baking project, I packed up the remaining cookie dough as well, so she can make a fresh batch when she feels like it.
I already mentioned buying the book, Dinner: A Love Story, but I also picked up The Blooming Platter and The Homemade Pantry. I don't know why, but reading these books has been akin to the nesting instinct you get right before birth. Maybe this is more similar to giving birth than I realize. Aside from becoming a mother, teaching has been the most life changing experience I've ever undergone, even more than marriage in many ways.
Now, I'm up way too late for someone who needs to get up at 6:30 a.m., but I'm hoping a little knitting will settle me right down. That, and a little dose of muscle relaxant.
Oh, by the way, has anyone seen the movie, Another Year? We watched it tonight and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
22 hours ago
Sending you a big positive hug for your first day, I bet it almost feels like your first day ever as a teacher. You are lovely, caring and wonderful. Remember that as you meet the demands of the day.
By now you're into the new day. Hope it's going well for you.
ReplyDeleteNever seen the movie - now you've got me curious.
Holding you in my thoughts and morning song toward a smooth first day. They're going to love you!
ReplyDeleteI'm really late wishing you well on your new adventure. I hope all is going the way you dreamed.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I have a hankering for oatmeal cookies.