Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Small Freakout

I went to Trader Joe's yesterday, to buy Stephanie some food to take with her to Richmond, and ran into a former coworker and her little boy. He's such a cutie.

I picked some zinnias from our yard and put in a few sprigs of rosemary as well, for a spicy smelling bouquet of summer-ness, as the season winds down.
I must say, I'm starting to freak out a bit about my new teaching position. I went into my classroom today and finished unpacking the boxes I had transferred, but it feels so weird, because I have to share the room and I don't know the boundaries about decorating it. It looks so sterile and bleak, but I don't know what I can do until I meet with my "roommate" next week. I'm used to warm wooden cabinets and lots of light and now I don't have that. At least I have windows; not all the classrooms do at this school. And where will all my plants go?
I don't even know if this bookcase is available to me; there are so many different sets of books in here, and I don't know which ones stay and which ones go.
Oh well, this is what I asked for, and I know it'll be okay once the students show up, but meanwhile? Meanwhile, I'm quietly freaking out.


  1. You can freak out all you want to us we are here for you cheering you on. It will work out and soon look like your home away from home.

  2. I think it would be good for students to know how nerve wracking it is for teachers to return to school, too.

    It'll all work out in the end once you meet your roomie.
