All righty, I made another summer meal, inspired by Dinner: A Love Story. Although only one of these dishes is from the cookbook, I still give all the credit to Jenny. The Black Bean and Avocado Salad recipe on the lower right of the photo is straight from the book, except I added an additional avocado, because I love them. I totally made up the Pasta and Pesto salad and it turned out to be a huge hit with Steve. My other made up salad was the Wheatberry, Craisins, and Apple Salad, with raspberry vinegar. It's almost dessert-like! And my falafel from the box is always a quick dinner, if you don't count the 40 minutes resting time before frying.
Doesn't this look summery? Lime juice helped a lot!
I think I could eat wheatberries every day.
I used pesto with just a touch of mayonnaise, and the stinky, fresh Parmesan cheese. This was Steve's favorite. As a matter of fact, he loved it so much that he took me out to a movie, which, if you knew my husband, is a grand gesture indeed. We saw The Intouchables, and if you can, go see it. It was an amazing story, based on true events, and unbelievably uplifting. (Although this review states otherwise. Guess I'm not informed enough?)
As for knitting, I'm on the decrease section of the Saroyan shawl, but I've been cranking out quite a few Double Bump washcloths here and there too. I should save them for Christmas, but I've either been using them myself, or giving them away to whomever is around when I finish one up!
I met with a former teammate this morning to begin planning for the school year. She's taking over my former position teaching science and wanted my input, and I picked her brain about the English curriculum, so it was a fair trade. I only have three weeks left and I'm hoping if I do a little planning, I can stop having the stress nightmares of being out of control of my classroom! Such is the nature of change. At least, for me.
Thank you, Knitting Magazine
22 hours ago
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