Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Traveling Knitting

I brought two projects with me on this trip to the Jersey Shore, and thank goodness I did. I was making excellent progress on the Tidal sweater when I realized I had only brought one ball of yarn for it. One! What a rookie mistake. Thankfully I had also brought the yarn for Wingspan, otherwise I'd have been out of knitting, and I don't even want to imagine what the trip home would be like. What did I used to do before knitting? I can't even remember anymore.

Here's a rare shot of Steve, in the back yard of the house we visited.

Great view, yes?

We went to a little tourist area last night for ice cream and caught part of the sunset.

We visited a lighthouse and had breakfast at a cool diner today; photos next time.


  1. Glad you avoided the knitting emergency, looks like you are having a wonderful time.

  2. Good thing you packed another project!
