Happy Mother's Day to my mom, my daughters, and my step-daughters. I wouldn't be the mom I am without them. Each of them still changes me everyday in some way and I'm grateful to and for them all.

The roses are called Fourth of July roses and Steve and I saw them yesterday on our visit to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. We went for a plant sale but as the plants Steve wanted were sold out, he was rather disappointed. But the roses were lovely.
As for my gift to my mom, I am so pleased with how the starfish washcloth came out! I'm pretty sure she'll love it as she loves beachy things as much as I do. I'm giving her one of the soaps I got from the MS&WF; it's Lavender Mint and smells just lovely. I'm trying to finish one more cloth, Mason-Dixon's ballband in pink and pastels, but I'm cutting it close, so these may be it. Plus a lovely plant that Steve bought her.

Random notes:
I also am pretty happy with this "new" bedspread. I bought it a month or so ago from the thrift store planning to cut it up and use it to make a rug or two, but after I washed it, it looked so nice that I decided to use it in our bedroom for a summer look. Gotta love thrifting!!

And here's the finished (except for button loops) baby sweater; can't remember if I showed it with the bobble buttons on. Baby shower is Wednesday, so if I'm making the loops, I better get cracking!

I also love
these hearts, although I don't think I'll be able to do one in time to gift it to my mom.
My oldest daughter has been making yogurt recently, and I thought
this post had some good information about it. I may try my hand at it this summer. I really should try and improve my diet, since I have so many digestive/intestinal issues.
The weather today is absolutely gorgeous, upper sixties. It's so nice, I already weeded and mulched my two little front gate flower beds. After yesterday's hot, windy day, it's extra nice. Steve and I went to the beach in the afternoon and it was like being in a sandstorm, not nice at all.
Whatever you do to celebrate today, I hope you have a good one.