Friday, October 28, 2011
Random Words, No Photos
Working on log cabin squares of Noro because that is all my brain can handle; oddly enough, I even manage to mess those up, but who cares, really? I've decided it'll work out no matter what.
Steve is taking me out of town tomorrow for an early anniversary getaway; it's a surprise destination. All I know is we're headed north for a night and that sounds great to me.
The weather turned chilly last night and it's downright blustery tonight. I stopped at the library on my way home and I swear there were gale force wind speeds coming off of the Bay. I love that my neighborhood library faces the water. I'll take photos the next time I'm there.
Hope your weekend is a good one.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
TGIS (Because I Am Late)
Okay, enough with the cliches. It was probably just a normal week. Except for the two cortisone shots in my shoulders. And that I had my first working day without my boot on Friday. And especially for the fact that I've been up since 4:45 a.m. doing some last minute homework for today's gifted class. Wouldn't my students love to know what a procrastinator I am?
I haven't done as much knitting as I'd like, but I have been working on the second Fussy Cuts square. Turns out I don't have any more Noro Silk Garden in my stash, and no one in this area carries it anymore.
I'm having a Craft-OV-Rama at my house tomorrow. (The OV stands for Ocean View, which is where I live.) Although I wish I knew lots of local knitters, I don't, so I just invited some friends over for food, conversation, and a craft other than knitting. One of my friends is going to show us how to make a tied fleece blanket. My youngest daughter was given one as a gift when she was in middle school and it's so nice. I'm hoping this is a "gateway craft" and we can do these get togethers on a monthly basis. I'll be sure to take pictures so I can share it with you.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Family Fish Fry
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Fingers Crossed
Last night, Stephanie popped in to spend the night, but she probably regretted it, as she and I were woken up around 2 a.m. to the sound of some sort of rodent(s) gnawing away under our house. Talk about creepy.
Today I spent eight hours in a classroom for the first session of my third gifted class; given the way things have been this week, I actually looked forward to the "break"! It was fun seeing some of the people in my cohort and talking about gifted strategies again.
But my best news is that since Stephen is employed again and needed a car, I was able to buy the one I've been wanting for awhile! Isn't it pretty?

In knitting news, I've started a Noro square for a Fussy Cuts Blanket; the pattern was in the newest book I bought, Craft Activism. I want to go out and buy a bunch of Noro, but I'm making myself knit all the ones I already have first. Only then will I give myself permission to buy more. Talk about motivation! It's a great book and it's inspired me to have a crafting party next weekend for some friends of mine (none of them are knitters, but I feel an urge to start a crafting group with them anyway). Our first group project is going to be one of those tied fleece throws. Should be fun. Hope your weekend is a relaxing one. I'm counting on Sunday for that.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Roller Coaster, (Say What?)
First, I found out my broken bone is healing nicely and I can return the ridiculously expensive rental scooter. Good news.
Then, we found out that Stephen was offered the job he really wanted, and six months of unemployment is about to end. Fan-TAS-tic news!!
Next, I got a call from my youngest daughter at 11:45 p.m., telling me she had been to the urgent care to find out she had strep throat and was now going to the emergency room for chest pains. Stephen and I ended up staying at the ER from midnight until 6:30 a.m. this morning, with Melissa and her dad, leaving without a clear diagnosis. They ran blood tests to check her pancreas, liver, and gall bladder, and they all came back clear, which was good news, but they decided her esophagus was irritated and having spasms, possibly due to the strep. She has spent the day chugging pepto-bismal, taking pepcid tablets, and drinking/eating a bland diet. And finally, finally, getting some sleep. She's improving somewhat, but needless to say, it's worrying me a bit.
Oh, and the central air conditioner unit just died. You might think it wouldn't matter so much, since it's October, but it was in the eighties today with matching humidity. Everything feels sticky and wet in our house.
So I had to call in sick today, since I had no sleep last night and only 4 or 5 hours this morning meant I couldn't even go in late. Two highs plus two lows equal a worn out me. This 24 hours can end now.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
A Saturday in October
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
My teaching is really undergoing some transformations this year. Teaching a gifted elective and then incorporating some gifted strategies into my honors science class, has me taking chances and letting go of some control, which is scary but feels right somehow. I've been honest with my students, letting them know they are guinea pigs (sort of), and they seem excited by the opportunity to try new things too. After all, isn't that what education is supposed to be about? It makes me so pleased to overhear students say, "wow, this class always flies by!"
There are possibilities brewing here at our cottage this week; I hope to share some good news soon. So good that I'm almost okay about the fact that I'm not making it to Rhinebeck this year. Take a look at this list of VIPs! Read it and weep, knitters.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Finally Feeling Like Fall
I just have a few zinnias left, but this one stood out. Such a pretty pink.
It's been a really full week, which makes me appreciate a weekend that much more. I am thoroughly enjoying my new students this year, and am starting to find my rhythm with each of the different bells. I have two science classes with unusually small numbers this year and that is a first for me. It is a totally different dynamic when you have ten students instead of the usual 25-30, and it requires a different flow. It's nice but it took me a week or two to find it. I've also had to adjust my teaching style somewhat, as a result of being on my scooter instead of being able to walk around independently. One of the positive results of having limited mobility is that I've had to relinquish more control to my students, with respect to getting out lab equipment, writing on the board, and distributing supplies. As a control freak, this has been a good lesson for me.
My other two science classes have twenty and thirty students, so that's pretty normal. The class of thirty is an honors science and I'm really excited about implementing some new lessons for them; taking some of the gifted strategies I'm still learning in grad school and applying them is pretty cool. My class of twenty students is my AVID science class, and they still hold a special place in my heart. AVID is the program that takes students who are average achievers, gives them a bell of support mainly in the form of organizational skills, and treats them as if they were honors students, which improves their achievement. In other words, they rise to the high expectations we place on them. AVID also exposes them to the idea of college and what it takes to get there, so they start taking the courses they need in order to have a good shot of being accepted, and most importantly, being successful in college.
My SOL Prep bell is actually my gifted elective bell, with only nine students, and the curriculum for it is pretty wide open. Basically, I'm supposed to encourage their giftedness and challenge them to find their passion. The past two weeks, we have been reading articles about racism and sexism and how social media impacts both those -isms. Listening to their discussions and reading what they write is quite simply amazing. I am loving this class. Next week we're going to do a mini science fiction unit and then I'm going to turn them loose in the library and see what they come up with.
I met my youngest daughter, Melissa, for coffee the other night during a major thunderstorm. Apparently there were even a few tornados sighted, but thankfully, not in the area she and I were. On my way there, I took this picture of the sun shining through the dark clouds. I thought it was an interesting shot.
Last night we had hail with yet another thunderstorm. Weird weather around here these days. Hope you are enjoying a lovely fall weekend!