Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

I finally finished my mom's "summer" sweater! I did the majority of it in June, then stopped working on it until the end of August. After making a list of my unfinished projects, I pulled it back out and now it's done! Even though it's a cotton sweater, I think she'll get a lot of use out of it, since I modified the pattern and made long sleeves. Now it's getting a wash, and tomorrow I'll take photos of it. (Edited to add photo. I pinned it closed, but still need to add a button loop.)

Last weekend, despite staying in my pajamas most of the time, Steve and I did a fair amount of fall cleaning; it made for a great start to the work week. This weekend, we had planned to go out of town, but things came up and we stayed home instead. Even though I had looked forward to the trip, it was probably better for my healing foot that we didn't go. So I got a lot of errands run, ate out, and saw the movie, Sarah's Key, with a friend. I thought it was a really good movie and I'm glad I saw it. That sounds like a weak recommendation, but it's a hard one for me to describe for some reason.

My plan for tomorrow is to go through our kitchen cabinets and make a menu for the week to use what we already have on hand. We got in a really bad (but fun) habit this past week and ate out almost every night. It was good timing, since it was my first full week back at work after my surgery, but it's too expensive to keep up and it's not the most healthy diet plan. But it was fun and very sweet of Stephen to be such a good sport about it.

My school year is going just great; I have another group of wonderful students, which makes life so much more enjoyable. Plus, this year I'm teaching a class of gifted students for one bell of enrichment. We're doing some really interesting things. I'll write more about that later. For now I'm going to try and go to sleep, even though my after-the-movie cup of coffee is keeping me awake. Either that or menopause, take your pick.


  1. Sounds like you are having a great week. Hope your foot continues to heal.

  2. The sweater is so pretty. Nicely done.
