I am on a Stitch Marker marathon. I just finished her Crow cowl, using some grey Baby Grande Alpaca, (I love how it looks cabled, without actually being cabled!),
and I immediately cast on another using a luscious chocolate brown skein of Quince & Co. Puffin that I gifted myself with around Christmas time. I also have Wintergreen, a baby bonnet from her newest e-book, Bonnet Love, about half way finished. Isn't the stitch pattern pretty? Not sure about my choice in yarn though.
In food news, I soaked some dried garbanzo beans Friday night and cooked them Saturday so I could continue my current food craving for roasted chick peas seasoned with chili powder and a touch of salt. They're like popcorn, but easier on my teeth! I've already roasted one quart and used a second quart to make a double batch of hummus. I will definitely do this again soon.
Random comment: I'm so looking forward to visiting Mere over spring break! Our theme is Explore Brooklyn!
We had some lovely rain Friday night, the kind that sounds good, if that makes sense. Steve worked in the yard most of the day Saturday, while I puttered around inside doing school work and knitting.
And since I've wound my way back to knitting, here is the prefelted version of one of the projects I suggested to my Knit Cafe students: an all purpose wallet. I need to measure it before and after I felt it, so I can modify if necessary. Hah! Who am I kidding? Modify, shmodify, this is a done deal!
Rose, your projects are wonderful. How exciting to be a test knitter!!!! I think you asked if I was on Ravelry, I visit and am a memeber, but I never post anything or have pictures and such. I have limited time and I really like looking at blogs so much more, so that is where you will find me. Have a fun time felting your knitting students will love this won't they?
I'm jealous that you get to be a test knitter! Just kidding...well, a teensy bit serious. Have fun with that felting. Your students are really getting the best of knitting.