But what did I do with the free time? Washed a load of sheets, washed some dishes, finally finished reading the NY Times I bought last Sunday, and did a little knitting. It felt positively indulgent. Decadent, even. I swear, all I did this past week was go to work, come home, and work on my project until bedtime. No fun at all. I didn't even get to see much of the royal wedding! And even though it means my weekend consists of tonight and tomorrow, I feel like it's the best vacation ever! I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything but reading and knitting until tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. when I watch Masterpiece Theater.
Let me catch you up on my knitting. Here is the cowl I made as a KAL project; it's by Larissa Brown of Stitch Marker. I used Berocco Vintage and it's quite warm and cozy. Versatile too. Here it is without any lacing.
Here it is pulled up for when it's super cold.
This is a project I started on spring break with the yarn I bought from Lion Brand Yarn Studio. I'm planning to use it in the kitchen; the rugs I use in front of the sink always get filthy and then get worn out looking from washing. Since I had such good luck with the bathroom rug I made, I thought I'd try something similar for the kitchen. This is Lion Brand Lion Cotton held double and when I'm happy with the size, I've got an interesting green to crochet an edge around it.
Since I finished my Spud & Chloe socks, I had to start another pair. This is Lorna's Laces yarn I've had in my stash for years. I am really trying to use the stash for projects, partially to save money, and partially because I feel guilty having so much yarn.
I bought the pretty wooden buttons at Brooklyn General, and Mere gave me the star shaped shell buttons as a gift. Aren't they lovely?
Tomorrow, I'll show you all the different roses! Hope you're enjoying your weekend.