Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Tomorrow is the first of March but it's been very spring like around here, despite my Let It Snow garden flag peeking through the fence.  (I really need to take that down.)
Although it may look a bit scruffy, the flowers are cheerful to see when I leave in the morning.
I really need to start showing the yard some attention soon.  It's been challenging though, as I've been going by the rehab center to visit my dad after work every day, or I've been checking on my mom, who developed a case of bronchitis at the same time.  My sister and I have tried to tag team what needs doing, but I'm getting tired.
I haven't been on the beach since last Saturday, when I took these photos.
But I am going to head south to the Outer Banks of North Carolina on Thursday afternoon, right after work, for the Tidewater Knitting Guild Yarn Retreat weekend.  My dad goes home tomorrow, and if something should come up while I'm gone, I can be home in less than 90 minutes.  After the past two weeks, I need the rest.
My new semester has been going very well.  The first term is already coming to an end and I'm really pleased with the size of my classes, the students' behavior, and the new ideas I've incorporated into my lessons.  I'm sure it helps that I'm in a much better place, emotionally, than I was in August.  
I'll be sure to post photos of the weekend shenanigans early next week.  The weather is supposed to be sunny and mild, so I'm planning to catch up on my beach walking as well as my knitting.  I got a lot of knitting done on my Mary Rebecca sweater while I was waiting around the hospital, but not so much since then, so I'm looking forward to getting back to that as well.  Hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend planned too!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Living My Life

I've been super busy this month.  I went to Wintergreen Ski Resort the second weekend of February with a group of women.  We stayed in a big house and basically had a pajama party with lots of eating, laughing, knitting, and relaxing.  Some of us may have stayed in pajamas from the moment we arrived until the moment we left!  The weather was unseasonably warm, which was disappointing to me, but it was still beautiful.
This view of the sky at sunset was taken from the back porch of the house. 
Thanks to all that knitting time, I finally finished my Guernsey Wrap!  It is huge and I love it!
Melissa gave me this lovely plant for my birthday, which I celebrated on Thursday, by sitting in the hospital while my dad had hip replacement surgery.  He did extremely well, and is already in rehab, so it was a good birthday after all.
I've been walking on the beach as often as I can, for my mental and physical health, and I love how it looks different every single time.  Usually I can only make it home before dark twice a week, so I make sure to walk on Saturday and Sunday too.  It is really helping me a lot.
This picture was taken right after sundown.
 This one was taken on a clear, sunny day.
 And this one was taken at dusk on a cloudy day.  
 And to prove how unseasonably warm it's been here lately, my daffodils bloomed this week.  I love them but it's just too early!
 A Sunday morning shot of Gracie, in one of her favorite spots.  I love the way she folds her little paws.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Melissa, Lori, and I finished our woven scarves today and took a celebratory picture after we had lunch.  We were all very pleased with our results.  I feel like I have too much going on right now to tackle a new hobby, but I do plan to do some more weaving in the future.  
I've been trying to walk as many days a week as I can in an effort to improve my overall health and wellbeing, so even though today was quite cold, I went down to the beach to get my thirty minutes in.
As usual, it was gorgeous.
 I have to say, as the six month mark of the end of my marriage draws near, I feel like I've found my rhythm again.  I know I may still have a hard day here and there, but I think the worst is over, and for that, I'm truly grateful.
Tomorrow, I'm taking my parents to Williamsburg for lunch to celebrate my mother's 77th birthday.  She has reached the point where she prefers experiences instead of things, and there is a restaurant there she really likes.  Life is truly good.