I finished the Strathcona! For an easy, well written pattern, I sure had some difficult moments with it, but I never really figured out why. Lack of attention is the most likely answer, I'm sure.
I've also been cranking out wash cloths, using the Almost Lost pattern. Steve keeps calling them doilies, but I think they are pretty, and slightly more interesting to knit than my usual Grandma's Favorite.
As for my latest big project, I've finally decided on the shawl pattern and yarn for my cousin. I started with Tern but felt it looked a little boring for a wedding, so I bought some Luna (think Kidsilk Haze with sparkles), and am stranding the two together, using another Jane Richmond pattern, McMilne. Although the pattern still seems a bit casual somehow, it's a doable one for me. While a lace pattern would be prettier, I truly don't think I could finish it in time without putting too much stress on myself, as school will be very busy the first month or two. And both my yarn store owner and my husband like the way it looks, so I'm going to go with it.
I've also been destroying my house, in a last minute effort to accomplish everything I had planned to do at the beginning of this summer. Cleaning out closets, but leaving the mess in the room(s) where the closets are located, spending three days cleaning the stove while letting the dishes pile up; you know, the usual routine. I did finally clean both bathrooms and the kitchen, including the refrigerator and cabinets, so I feel better.
And for my last hurrah, I had to have my car towed to the shop last weekend, when my door locks finally quit working, leaving me locked out of my car on a Saturday night. The guy who came to tow it said he'd never seen anything like it. Oh well, at least it happened before school started. I wouldn't want to have any money left over, now would I?
Edited to add: It turns out I'm not quite done with "disasters". While flossing yesterday, I popped out part of a molar. But I've put the word disasters in quotes because none of these things are truly disasterous. I've still had a very lovely summer and really am a fortunate woman.
And don't tell anyone, but I am looking forward to school starting, even though I had a great summer. I love my free time, but I do like a schedule too. Quite a paradox, isn't it?