I took this photo on the morning of January 1. It is the view from the back gate, the one I use most often, and it shows my favorite room, the sunroom.
I bought the book, The Happiness Project, yesterday while at Target (I know, I know, but books don't count), and I am really enjoying it. Enjoying it, as in it is giving me a lot to ponder. I am generally a positive, upbeat person, and I describe myself as an optimist, but who can't use a little more happiness in their lives? Let me know if anyone else is reading it or has read it already, will you?
I made it down to the beach again this morning; I had a lot to do today, so I told Steve that I was just going to take the picture and return home straightaway, but as it was so lovely, I did my usual walk after all. I met a dear friend at Borjo's at 9:00 a.m., and we talked for three solid hours! Now I'm heading over to the Naro to see The Descendants with Melissa and Stephanie. Another good day, don't you think?
Photos taken just after sunrise this morning. See more here.

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