Mary Oliver

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Okay, so apparently 2011 is going to be the Year of the Teeth for me. I went for my second root canal yesterday, having had the first one done the week before Christmas. He found a cracked filling in the third tooth in that area, so I'm going to the dentist today to have that repaired. The endodontist said that may take care of the problem and I might not need the third root canal done after all, but the way my luck is going, I'm not wildly hopeful. As a matter of fact, I realize I've actually reached the stage of acceptance. The bottom line is that I'm lucky to be able to afford to have my teeth fixed. (Not that I have the money, per se, but I do have the income to pay the money back, which is close enough.)

Anyway, I also seem to have made the transition into accepting the myriad of my other pesky health ailments; these, too, shall pass.

On to knitting! And writing my journal pages! The writing does seem to free up some psychological space; when I got to work yesterday, I took care of lots of little loose ends, which made me feel much more organized and in control.

I finished Laura's first sock, which was a rather quick knit. Knitting for a small foot is very different than what I'm used to doing. If you look closely, you can see a line of stockinette in the middle of the foot portion. Should have ripped it back, but I'm holding off until she tries it on. I saw on Ravelry that some people switch to stockinette for the bottom of the foot, and some don't. Can you tell I couldn't make up my mind? Let's call it a design element, shall we?

I also finished up the knitting portion of the PDA case; it doesn't look like much but a picture's a picture. At least it shows off the Noro colorations. Now for seaming and felting. And embellishing!

Off to the dentist for me! And more knitting. Have a happy day!


  1. It's all in the felting. That Noro case is going to look fabulous for spring. Love the colors.
    Fingers crossed for your dental adventures.

  2. Here's hoping the filling is the culprit and you're done for awhile after today.

    I can't see the stockinette row at first glance, and doubt anyone else will. What they'll see is a riot of color. They're cute socks.

  3. oh jeez - the least favorite place on earth to be, I'd rather give birth and I am not kidding.:) Good luck! I love that PDA case - I have socks in the same Noro and love them!
